Fiddle Earth is a unique musical troupe hailing from Kingston, Ontario. A quartet, we first played together in late 2012 after noticing we were contrasting pairs: each couple had a fiddle player and a vocalist/string player, but of opposite gender! We are a play in contrasts: male and female fiddlers playing in harmony: male and female vocalists, one high, one low; guitar and tenor guitar. As more than one fan has said, it should not work together, but it does, beautifully.
We come from different musical backgrounds: classical, fiddle, folk, country, religious, and we bring all these elements together to create a highly versatile group. Well versed in Celtic, country, folk and old-time music we can bring liveliness and joy to your event be it a festival, birthday, anniversary, holiday or other special occasion.
(The members of Fiddle Earth like to show their support for local worthy causes by offering their band's services to local charities and fund raising events within the community - see booking tab for details)